Think|Stack is excited to announce the appointment of Jen Anthony as Vice President, Security and Risk.
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Think|Stack is excited to announce the appointment of Jen Anthony as Vice President, Security and Risk.
May 9, 2022 (Baltimore, Md) –Think|Stack, a managed services CUSO specializing in cybersecurity and cloud solutions, is excited to announce that it has acquired Emergifi, a technology solutions CUSO focused on small- to-mid-size credit unions.
Press Release
Baltimore, Md (June 16, 2021) -- Think|Stack is proud to announce that it has been named a 2021 Global Amazon Web Services (AWS) Partner Network (APN) Public Sector Partner Award winner for its secure cloud solutions for credit union
News Article
New CUSO Aims to Transform and Protect the Credit Union Industry (June 15, 2021) -- Through education and co-management, Think|Stack designs, builds, secures, automates, and optimizes technology environments for credit unions.
News Article
I95 Business Magazine: Family Trust and Entrepreneurial Spirit (June 9, 2021) -- As we grow under new investment, we intend to keep our culture intact and remain committed to our hometown roots.
Press Release
Greenville, SC (April 29, 2021) -- Think|Stack has teamed up with CUInsight to bring the industry an exciting free webinar series to explore cloud-based technology for credit unions. Join us on May 19, 2021 at 1PM EDT as Think|Stack presents “CU Cloud...
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